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lunedì 11 gennaio 2016

Early Bird Rate Ends January 15

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European Conference

February 29 – March 2, 2016 | Radisson Blu Hotel | Berlin, Germany
Register Today & Save!
This year, the conference will highlight exciting times in the region as pulp companies expand, new regions are explored by packaging suppliers and innovation continues across all grades. Hear from CEOs and senior management of the companies that are trailblazing into the future.
Conference highlights include:
1. Industry 4.0: Considered the "4th Industrial revolution," Industry 4.0 describes the combination of the use of Big Data, the cloud, augmented reality, robots and the host of integrated technology now at the manufacturers' disposal due to the digital revolution. What does this mean for your bottom line?
2. CEO Panel Discussion: RISI has brought together CEOs from some of the top companies in Europe to discuss topics that include: Opportunities for expansion into Eastern Europe, Risk Management, Competition from Outside Europe, Europe's place in the Global Industry, The impact of Big Data and Industry 4.0. CEOs from Progroup, Sappi Fine Paper Europe, Stora Enso and Smurfit Kappa will be challenged on their view of the pulp and paper landscape in Europe and beyond by well-known industry analyst, Barry Dixon.
3. The Global Economy: Emerging Market Troubles: In the past year, the global economy has seen some dramatic changes. What are the prospects for emerging markets economies? Can developed economies drive the global economy?
4. Sacks and the City: A London Financier's Love of Packaging: Discuss the allure and attractions of the multi-faceted packaging industry from a capital markets and investment banking perspective.
5. Opportunities and Risk in Eastern Europe: What opportunities are there to invest in Eastern Europe in the forest products industry? What are the pitfalls, and what are the potential gains of a venture into the east? What countries and regions are open to development and investments?
For registration and more information, click here.

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